Infertility is a disease of men and women’s reproductive organs that impairs one of the body’s most basic functions—the ability to have children. And although 6.1 million people (10 percent of the reproductive-age population) in the United States are infertile, unlike lung cancer or HIV/AIDS, people are rarely informed of the very direct links between their behavior and their reproductive health. And that’s the goal of this website—to expose you to the ways in which you can help prevent infertility in the future by examining your behavior now.

This website was produced by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) to educate women and men about infertility. ASRM is a nonprofit organization devoted to advancing the art, science and practice of reproductive medicine. ASRM is the nation’s largest professional organization of fertility experts. Contact ASRM at or call the Protect Your Fertility hotline toll-free at 866-228-6906.